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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Citizen trashes the concept of recycling

LETTER: Citizen trashes the concept of recycling

Household recycling programs are not accomplishing much, says letter writer
LETTER: A completely different idea for waterfront development

LETTER: A completely different idea for waterfront development

Citizen suggests that turning area into 'busy, year-round playground' for citizens and visitors is a better approach
LETTER: Conditions at Rotary Place 'saddens' long-time player

LETTER: Conditions at Rotary Place 'saddens' long-time player

'It saddens me that we can't take care of it,' says Bruce Goddard
LETTER: There is no room for error at 'irreplaceable' waterfront

LETTER: There is no room for error at 'irreplaceable' waterfront

Money should not be the determining factor, says letter writer
LETTER: Province's climate plan full of 'motherhood statements'

LETTER: Province's climate plan full of 'motherhood statements'

Writer says taxpayer will be on the hook for most of the cost of implementing plan
LETTER: Violence against women not limited to domestic abuse and rape

LETTER: Violence against women not limited to domestic abuse and rape

Campaign unites the voices of millions of women and girls to eliminate violence against women
LETTER: Lack of lights at Orchard Point even worse in winter

LETTER: Lack of lights at Orchard Point even worse in winter

Lack of safety and walkability is troublesome for residents, says letter writer
LETTER: Rib Fest money, entertainment 'desperately needed'

LETTER: Rib Fest money, entertainment 'desperately needed'

Rib Fest is self sufficient, well organized and enjoyed by many, says letter writer
LETTER: Where is the 'P' in Progressive Conservative?

LETTER: Where is the 'P' in Progressive Conservative?

Local MPPs have not 'lived up to their promises to be for the people'
LETTER: Whether paper, phone or internet, turnout is low

LETTER: Whether paper, phone or internet, turnout is low

Letter writer wonders why voters are not more interested in how their local taxes are spent