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ICYMI - Poll: Who is more open to adults trick-or-treating?

ICYMI - Poll: Who is more open to adults trick-or-treating?

After a certain age, should Hallowe'en fun be restricted to doling out candy at the door? Is there an age that you are supposed to grow out of it - and, if so, what is that age supposed to be?
Poll: Most readers' social lives haven't recovered from the pandemic

Poll: Most readers' social lives haven't recovered from the pandemic

Almost two-thirds of Village Media readers said their social lives hadn't recovered from the pandemic, more than three years after its peak in mid-2020
Poll: Who is more open to adults trick-or-treating?

Poll: Who is more open to adults trick-or-treating?

After a certain age, should Hallowe'en fun be restricted to doling out candy at the door? Is there an age that you are supposed to grow out of it - and, if so, what is that age supposed to be?
Poll: Most think overseas citizens shouldn't vote

Poll: Most think overseas citizens shouldn't vote

Just under two-thirds of readers said Canadians who are living abroad for the long term shouldn't vote - even if they legally can
Poll: Readers split on how blunt obituaries should be

Poll: Readers split on how blunt obituaries should be

A Toronto Star column last weekend posed a difficult question: when people with dark, abusive histories die, how blunt should their families be about it? In a poll this week, you were evenly divided
Poll: Crombie is the top choice among Liberal leadership hopefuls

Poll: Crombie is the top choice among Liberal leadership hopefuls

In an online poll this week, readers thought that Bonnie Crombie was the Ontario Liberals' best choice to lead their party by an overwhelming margin
Poll: About 1 in 20 have let driver's licence or health card expire

Poll: About 1 in 20 have let driver's licence or health card expire

Asked to check, about one in 20 of you said your driver's licence, health card or both had expired.
Health card renewals plunged after paper reminders ended

Health card renewals plunged after paper reminders ended

Internal government data released to Village Media under access-to-information laws; letting a health card expire can complicate already stressful medical situations
Poll: Overwhelmingly, parents worry about housing affordability

Poll: Overwhelmingly, parents worry about housing affordability

We asked parents if they worry that it will be harder for their children to afford a home than it was for them. The result: one of the most one-sided set of reader poll results in recent memory
Poll: Two-thirds say Doug Ford should resign over the Greenbelt scandal

Poll: Two-thirds say Doug Ford should resign over the Greenbelt scandal

Two-thirds of Village Media readers voting in an online poll said that Ontario Premier Doug Ford should resign over the Greenbelt scandal. Interestingly, a third of those who identify as PC voters agree.