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POLL: About two-thirds would opt for a mild winter, given a choice

POLL: About two-thirds would opt for a mild winter, given a choice

Over the last week or two, we had fun asking readers: imagining for a moment that you had Zeus-like powers to command the elements, would you choose a mild winter, or a fierce one?
Poll: Women, older readers unenthused about a Poilievre government

Poll: Women, older readers unenthused about a Poilievre government

Who would be happy or unhappy about a Poilievre government? An online poll last week uncovered some revealing answers
POLL: Majority of readers open to sending Canadian troops to Ukraine

POLL: Majority of readers open to sending Canadian troops to Ukraine

Overwhelmingly, you said the West should support Ukraine in regaining all its national territory, rather than seek a territorial compromise with Russia. And nearly 2:1 are open to sending Canadian troops to Ukraine
Poll: Most readers would vote to abolish separate schools

Poll: Most readers would vote to abolish separate schools

Almost two-thirds of Village Media readers would vote in a referendum to merge existing schools systems into a single secular public school system - but most separate school graduates would keep things as they are
Drivers who browse test centres have higher accident rates: AG

Drivers who browse test centres have higher accident rates: AG

Rural test centres 'in many cases have less complex road test routes and higher pass rates,' the auditor general's report discovered
Poll: 41% favour looser medical assistance in dying rules

Poll: 41% favour looser medical assistance in dying rules

A large majority of Village Media readers say Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) system either strikes the right balance now or should be further relaxed. The details, as always, are revealing
Poll: Most favour stricter gun control laws

Poll: Most favour stricter gun control laws

In an online poll, just over half of readers said that Canada's gun control laws weren't strict enough. Cross-referenced with other polls, the results are revealing
Province's sluggish death reporting system frustrates health experts

Province's sluggish death reporting system frustrates health experts

'When I've been looking at the impact of COVID, I almost always just use U.S. data,' says University of Toronto's Colin Furness
Provincewide real estate prices fall, local area sees increase

Provincewide real estate prices fall, local area sees increase

'We’re only in November, but it appears many would-be home buyers have already gone into hibernation,' said CREA official
Poll: Five years after legalization, how readers see weed

Poll: Five years after legalization, how readers see weed

A little more than five years since the legalization of cannabis, most Village Media readers think that it was a good idea, and about half have used it recreationally at some point, or are open to the idea