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Orillia and District Arts Council announces 2023 award nominees

Winners will celebrated Nov. 22 at Orillia Regional Arts & Heritage Awards Night
Peter Stranks and Christine Hager enjoy the ORAH Awards 2022

The Orillia & District Arts Council (ODAC) and Orillia Museum of Art & History (OMAH) are pleased to announce the nominees for the 2023 Orillia Regional Arts & Heritage Awards.  

The awards were established to recognize the valuable contribution that educators, historians, and event organizers and supporters make to the vibrancy of our communities. On Nov. 22 at the fifth annual Orillia Regional Arts & Heritage (ORAH) Awards, the sector will come together in person to celebrate its achievements and honour this year’s nominees. 

And the nominees are…

Education in the Arts, Culture and Heritage Award recognizes an educator, not necessarily a teacher by profession, whose knowledge and teaching skills inspire others to pursue their interest in the arts and heritage. This year’s nominees are: Stephen Davids for Just Write Orillia; Errol Lee for Caring Kids Concerts; Sukhi Kaur for HeARTS; Marcel Rousseau for his body of work; Lindsey Simard Toutant for Heartworks; and David Town for his body of work. 

Emerging Artist Award recognizes an individual of any age who is in the early years (under five years) of launching a career in the arts. Nominees can be pursuing any genre of art including, but not limited to, visual arts, performance arts, literary arts and many more. This year’s nominees are: Bella Arwyn and Mariangela Sherwood.

Heritage: Restoration, Renovation and Publication Award recognizes an individual or group who brought to life regional history through a physical restoration or creation of a permanent public record. This year’s nominees are: Anitta Hamming for Creative Nomad Studios; Amy Henderson for OMAH Jail Cells; Mnjikaning Fish Weirs; Jim Osler Contracting for The Historic Fire Hall; and Cathy Walton for her body of work.

Event in the Arts, Culture and Heritage Award recognizes an individual, organization, or corporation for their part in organizing a single or annual event that showcases the region’s creative talent or cultural heritage. This year’s nominees are: Mariposa Arts Theatre for Rocky Horror Picture Show; and Orillia District Arts Council for the Seven Grandfather Teachings project.

Qennefer Browne Achievement Award recognizes an individual or group of individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the cultural life of their community. It was named in honour of Qennefer Browne, who gave much of herself to support both arts and heritage organizations within the region. This year’s nominees are: Couchiching Brewery; Leslie Fournier and Streets Alive Productions; Fred Larsen; Jean Sarjeant; and John Swartz.

This year’s winners will be announced and celebrated on Nov. 22 at the Orillia Regional Arts & Heritage Awards Night, at Creative Nomad Studios. This wonderful community celebration will start at 6 p.m. with appetizers, music, and a cash bar. The awards ceremony, featuring video introductions of all of our nominees, will start at 7 p.m.

Everyone is invited, no tickets or admission fees. The awards are proudly sponsored by eCapital.

Come join us and celebrate this vibrant sector in our region!



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