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Ramara cancels all recreation programming for 2020

Ramara Centre will be closed for the foreseeable future; Township postpones discretionary and mandatory septic re-inspection programs
township of ramara municipal building

Due to the ongoing pandemic and being mindful of the health of our community, the Township of Ramara has postponed the township’s discretionary septic re-inspection program until 2021, postponed the township’s mandatory septic re-inspection program until further notice, and cancelled all recreation programming for 2020.

Please note that the Ramara Centre will remain closed to the public for the foreseeable future.

Council made the decision to cancel these programs as a result of physical distancing recommendations from public health officials and to alleviate financial stress on residents and the township. However, as the province loosens up on restrictions, the township will revisit the postponement of programming.

“This was not an easy decision, but a necessary one," says Mayor Basil Clarke. "The discretionary septic re-inspection program would put an additional cost onto residents in the community. Council did not want to put additional financial pressures onto residents that may already be struggling. In addition, council’s decision to cancel all recreation programs was to alleviate any financial stress on the Township. As there is no fixed end date for when this pandemic ends, we want to be proactive in making these decisions as our focus is ensuring our essential services are running.”

The township wants to remind residents that all municipal facilities and amenities are closed until further notice, and all scheduled events are cancelled. This includes the following:
    •    Township Administration Building
    •    Ramara Centre
    •    Ramara Medical Centre
    •    Fire halls
    •    Works yards
    •    Environmental Building
    •    Udney Community Centre
    •    Longford Community Centre
    •    All boat launches
    •    Playground equipment
    •    Dog park
    •    All Township beaches including the private beaches in Lagoon City
    •    Lagoon City canals

Please note that green spaces in parks, trails and conservation areas that are not otherwise closed would remain open for walkthrough access, but individuals must maintain the safe physical distance of at least two metres apart from others. Please note that no garbage facilities or port-a-potties will be available on trails and parks.

For more up-to-date information on the status of Township’s services, please visit COVID- 19 page on the Township’s website.



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