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Public Meeting Concerning the Township of Ramara Official Plan

Take Notice that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Ramara will be holding a hybrid Public Meeting under Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act to discuss any possible revisions to the final draft of the Township’s New Official Plan and give the public an opportunity to make representations in respect of the current proposed plan.

Date and Time: Monday August 12, 2024 Commencing at 9:30 A.M.
Meeting Location: Council Chambers (2297 Highway 12, Brechin) and Zoom Platform

Purpose and Effect:
The purpose of the new Official Plan is to update and replace the existing Township of Ramara Official Plan (2003).  The proposed Official Plan provides updates to ensure conformity to current Provincial and County of Simcoe plans, policy and legislation.  The review of the Township’s Official Plan began in 2017 and was put on hold due to extenuating circumstances.  The project was reinitiated in 2023 with additional open houses and updates to reflect with newly introduced Provincial legislative changes.  

The updated Official Plan contains goals, objectives and policies that guide Township Council, its committees, boards, officials and the public with regard to land use.  The local basis for the official plan includes:

  • Planning for population and employment growth in accordance with the County of Simcoe Official Plan over the next 25-years
  • Analyze and protect natural functions and hazard lands
  • Protect and maintain the local Greenlands system and agricultural areas
  • Identify and plan residential and economic growth within existing settlement areas, identifying housing types and densities for sustainable and complete communities.  

New designations in the proposed Official Plan include the Greenlands Designation and provides for differentiation between Village and Rural Settlement Areas to direct growth.   Additional and updated Schedules are included for the Atherley-Uptergrove Secondary Plan, recent changes to the Brechin and Lagoon City Settlement Areas, Natural Heritage overlay mapping and Aquifer Vulnerability. 

As this update to the Township of Ramara Official Plan encompasses all of Ramara, a key map is not provided. 

Learn More:  A copy of the proposed official plan and information and material will be available on Friday July 5th 2024 on the Township Website at or at the Ramara Administrative Building from 9am-4:30pm Monday through Friday

For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact [email protected] 

Dated at the Township of Ramara this 29th day of June 2024

Clerks Department
705-484-5374 ext 261
[email protected] 

Planning Department
705-484-5374 ext 251
[email protected] 


Jennifer Connor, CMO, AOMC
Director of Legislative Services/Clerk
Ramara Township