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LETTER: Benefits of city-wide garage sale 'cannot be overstated'

Fundraising sale will be a way of 'strengthening the bonds of our community,' says letter writer
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to an article about a city-wide garage sale fundraiser, published March 6.

Councillors David Campbell, Jay Fallis, Jeff Czetwerzuk, and other members of Orillia city council:

I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support and acknowledgment regarding the upcoming city-wide garage sale initiative aimed at raising funds for affordable housing in Orillia.

Your commitment and dedication to this cause are commendable, and it fills me with pride to see our community coming together to make a positive impact.

Coun. Fallis, your enthusiasm and words around potential revenue generation resonate deeply, highlighting the significant benefits this initiative could yield for our community’s future. I share your optimism and eagerly anticipate the positive outcomes it may bring.

Coun. Czetwerzuk, your leadership within the working group and council is instrumental in turning ideas into action. Your dedication to exploring viable solutions, such as this city-wide garage sale, reflects your commitment to serving our community’s best interests. Your efforts are invaluable, and I am grateful for your role in moving this initiative forward.

Coun. Campbell, your recognition of the origins of this initiative and acknowledgment of my past involvement are deeply appreciated. It’s heartening to see how ideas planted years ago can blossom into impactful endeavours with the support of dedicated individuals like yourself. Your kind words serve as a reminder of the power of collaboration and the potential legacy of community-driven initiatives.

The positive environmental impact of this initiative cannot be overstated. By encouraging upcycling, recycling, and reducing waste sent to landfills, our community will be taking another meaningful step towards a more sustainable future for Orillia. Additionally, the contribution to affordable housing resonates deeply with our community’s shared commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable community for all residents.

I am excited about the potential of this event to not only generate revenue for our city but also to foster a sense of community spirit and engagement. By empowering residents to participate in this initiative, we are strengthening the bonds of our community and demonstrating the power of collective action in addressing pressing issues.

I look forward to supporting and participating in this event wholeheartedly, and I am eager to see the positive impact it will have on our community. Together, we can make a difference, and I am grateful to be part of a community where we embrace innovation, collaboration, and compassion.

Thank you once again for bringing this item forward, your acknowledgment, and the city council’s unanimous support to move this item forward.

Thank you for your service.

Mason Ainsworth