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LETTER: Big picture could mean big things for community garden

'Gardening is an amazing way to connect to and learn from the natural world,' says letter writer
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).

We have all been through a lot over the past four years.

For me, the pandemic has highlighted the importance and necessity of being part of a kind, sharing, and resourceful community. There are many communities with these qualities in Orillia, and it is one of many things to love about this city. I feel like this in my neighbourhood, and I like to think that as the world changes around us we would support each other during challenges, celebrations, and growth.

In order for a plant to grow it needs soil for its foundation, sunlight for energy, and water to synthesize the nutrients from the soil and the sun, and then circulate them throughout the plant. The City of Orillia has provided a strong foundation for communities to grow. The people of Orillia have incredible energy. They live in the Sunshine City, after all. And community gardens are the synthesis of the city and its citizens working together in order to grow a unique and beautiful community.

Gardening is an amazing way to connect to and learn from the natural world.

I have found that as I participate in the act of growing natural things, the more I am aware of all the living things around me. This awareness and connection with nature is something that requires slowing down, and opportunities for slowing down are not easy to come by in our fast-paced world. It’s something that I would like my children to have the chance to experience and learn the value of. A community garden can be a place where we can all go to slow down so we can experience the vitality and beauty inherent in the world around us. And maybe if we see these good things in the world around us, we will also see them in the people around us, and maybe we will even see these good things in ourselves.

This may seem like a tall order for a small community garden, but big things can happen if they are done with the big picture in mind. The big picture for the York Street Community Garden could include collaboration with schools, environmental groups and non-profit organizations, in order to provide residents of all ages access to food, education, and the joy of growing together. A small group of residents have started this work, and we have received only positive feedback from the organizations we have approached so far.

There is a lot more to do, and we would appreciate your support. Please sign our letter of support addressed to city council by clicking here. If you’re interested in joining us to help make this garden grow, please reach out through the contact information in that letter. We would love to meet you and hear your ideas about the garden as we take our next steps towards building a more beautiful and resourceful community.

You can also support the garden by filling out a survey on the City of Orillia’s website by clicking here.

Daniel Pecorella