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LETTER: Can we stop the hate, anger brewing in Canada?

'It seems we have allowed the media and government to harshly divide us against each other,' says letter writer, who calls for peace and respect
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I am proud to call myself Canadian. I was privileged to be able to choose to live in Canada 35 years ago.    

I believe that our flag will and should fly high again. Our identity as Canadians needs to be reviewed. The fact that we grieved (and still cry) about the unforgivable crimes committed within the residential schools, once brought to our attention, shows that we are Canadians that care about our nation's citizens.  

Can we stop this hate and anger that is brewing in our land now?  

I used to love going out and meeting people, but I find everyone has their heads down and are ready to snap at the least bit of conflict. I am not invited to homes if I do not think the same way. That’s not the behaviour of the Canadian people I have known and grown to love.  

It seems we have allowed the media and government to harshly divide us against each other and I ask myself, why?  

If I do not do what you or “they” want me to do because I disagree and value my own justifiable opinions and beliefs, freedoms protected by our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms within our constitution, why does this result in “hate?”  

Diversity is so important, that’s what makes us unique.  

Can we again unite as individuals who are truly Canadian and love our country? Can we put away our hate and anger and replace it with respect and start to connect again? 

Maybe it's time to lift the masks and let's see each other’s smiles again. This makes us human.  

Maybe the media has had too much control over us by dictating what they think the narrative should be! Let's get back to thinking and discovering our own thoughts again! 

Let's start to enjoy our freedoms and our beautiful country. We are one people, connected because we are Canadians.      

Let's be proud again, peaceful and respectful.  

Gillian Purkiss
