OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to an article, titled 'Firefighters turn up heat at city hall amid 'unfair' station closures', published Sept. 11.
I am astounded to find out that the public safety of all of Orillia is being put at risk!
Station 2 has been closed numerous days per week this summer due to staffing shortages! If a multiple-car accident happens on the highway while Station 2 is closed, Station 1 will respond and will have to remain on site.
Now, Mr. Mayor and councillors, suppose your house is on fire or a relative or friend of your's suffers a heart attack or is in an accident but there is no fire truck to respond how would you feel?
Response times are critical to all emergencies —- every minute counts and you are tying firefighters' hands. The fire fighters are willing to do overtime. So the big question is, how much is a human life worth to all of you?
The new city policy needs to be changed back for everyone’s safety and health. Let’s go forward instead of backwards!
Please allow our fire department to do their job to their full potential.
Jo Levasseur