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LETTER: Consider giving a gift to the arts this season

There are many ways to give back to community, but arts 'is usually missing' from list, says letter writer
Christine Hager, a member the Orillia and District Arts Council, is shown in this file photo.

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Every Christmas, the generosity of our Orillia community shines brightly.

Food drives, coat drives, toys for kids, gift cards for families are only a few examples destined to brighten the lives of those struggling with daily challenges; however, one example is usually missing — donations to the arts.

Art plays a significant role in enriching and enhancing various aspects of the human experience. It provides a means for individuals to express thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Whether through painting, sculpture, music, literature or other forms, artists communicate ideas that may be difficult to express through words alone.

Art reflects culture and history. It serves as a record of the values, beliefs, and events of a society.

Art stimulates our sense of beauty and esthetics. It enhances our ability to appreciate and find pleasure in the visual, auditory, and tactile aspects of the world around us.

Engaging with art encourages creativity and fosters an open mind.

Art has the power to evoke a wide range of emotions. Whether it’s the joy of a lively piece of music, the contemplation induced by a painting, or the empathy evoked by a well-told story, art can positively impact our emotional well-being and provide a therapeutic outlet.

To me, these benefits are well worth the cost of an annual membership fee or a year-end donation to an arts organization of your choice.

Christine Hager
Orillia and District Arts Council member