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LETTER: Dunlop chose to 'deflect and blame' when questioned

'Ethically, this is wrong on so many levels,' Simcoe North NDP president says of donors' influence on politicians
2019-08-22 Doug Ford in Orillia 1
Simcoe North MPP Jill Dunlop and Premier Doug Ford are shown in this file photo. | Nathan Taylor/OrilliaMatters

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to an article about fundraising events hosted by members of the Progressive Conservative government, including Simcoe North MPP Jill Dunlop, published Feb. 21.

A recent Trillium report should raise eyebrows and serious concerns.

In the article, Premier Doug Ford states that no one can influence his government. I wonder if he has been paying attention.

On March 7, 2022, our MPP, Jill Dunlop (the minister of colleges and universities), hosted a fundraiser along with the Simcoe North PC Riding Association in Toronto. According to the Trillium news article (I urge you to read it), one-third of the attendees were associated with college public-private partnerships. Subsequently, the government opened the floodgates of funding for these private colleges.

It has become clear that partnerships between public and private colleges are growing at a rapid rate since the Ford government was elected in 2018. For as long as MMP Dunlop has held this role (2021), tuition freezes remain, and colleges and universities are scrambling to maintain viability.

Recently, the federal government reduced international student visas. The basis for this included that many of the private colleges that recruit foreign students charge exorbitant tuition and offer ‘puppy mill’ diplomas. This has increased the squeeze on these private colleges’ bottom lines. Subsequently, we have that fundraising event for the minister of colleges and universities.

In the original Trillium report, the amount of money donated during that meet-and-greet to the Simcoe North PC Riding Association totalled $24,300. For Ford to baldly state that no one influences his government is a blatant falsehood. The subsequent, rapid reversal of policy following the spate of fundraising events proves it.

But to be fair, there may be a rationale for this decision.

I decided to watch the legislature live to catch MPP Dunlop’s response during question period. Official Opposition Leader Merit Stiles was direct in her questions to the minister. A simple explanation directed to answer the questions would have helped clear up any misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, Ms. Dunlop resorted to a tried-and-true PC ploy — deflect and blame.

She blamed the federal Liberals for reducing visas without communication with her. She spoke to the greatness of her government and gave shout-outs to other ministers doing “great work.” She blamed the previous government for allowing pay-to-play. She did not respond transparently, leaving unanswered the question of influence and rewarding decisions funding the private college sector.

Anyone with a moral compass quickly moved into the red zone.

As a constituent of Simcoe North, I expect more from an MPP. Transparency and accountability for behaviour and decision making is at the top of my list. Lakehead University and Georgian College are in her riding and have raised serious concerns about funding. They were met with a response of “proving efficiencies” when there was any response at all.

I ask: What efficiencies have private career colleges demonstrated?

Why are tax dollars funding for-profit educational facilities and being withheld from public entities?

MPP Dunlop should be advocating for our riding, yet she mostly shows up at events whereby donations and influence are the priority. Ethically, this is wrong on so many levels. Her reputation for being absent and non-responsive to her constituents was evident with her no-show at public debates during the last election period. Disgraceful and unacceptable — yet she was re-elected.

Is this what government has become? Evasive, unaccountable, and not for the general good of the people?

This is not democracy as I remember it. Consider this during the next election. More importantly, get out and vote.

Elizabeth Van Houtte
President, Simcoe North Ontario NDP