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LETTER: Helping those in need isn't always easy financially

'If money was not an issue everything could be resolved to most peoples satisfaction' says reader
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). 

People are quick to point out the need for help for those in need. I agree there is a need to help some people that are down on their luck. The big question comes in and the city should ask these people with their suggestions is: “where do people expect the money to come from to support their ideas?”

If money was not an issue everything could be resolved to “most” people's satisfaction. Every time I read about groups or individuals asking the city to support this project or this initiative, there is no suggestion by these people on budget recommendations for their plans and/or the expense of the project and where will the money come from.

I suppose the city could just keep raising taxes but that creates a whole new topic of discussion doesn’t it?

Steve Boss