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LETTER: Insurance, inspections should be required for e-bikes

Such requirements would see e-bike, scooter use in Orillia 'decline immensely,' predicts letter writer
2022-05-31 keyboard typing pexels-fauxels-3183202
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).
For a population of 32,000 people, I have never seen so many styles of e-bikes and scooters with a lot of these people driving them all over just like a motorbike or motor vehicle. You could call this the second version of Orillia transit.

Let’s implement all the e-bikes and scooters are required to pay insurance like an automobile on the road or like a motorbike on the road. As well, annual inspections to make sure they are set to manufacturers’ guidelines, not the owners’ guidelines.

I can guarantee you that the amount of e-bikes and scooters in Orillia will decline immensely.

If this is not done, Orillia might as well set up a weekend on the downtown street to have an e-bike and scooter show similar to the classic car show.

Clifford Murphy
