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LETTER: Is Ontario getting its fair share of 'recovery' funds?

Numbers suggest only 1.2% of $69M is coming to our province, reader says
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter from reader Lynn Lehman is in response to our story 'A blessing': Orillia groups benefit from $260,000 in federal funding.

When one digs a little deeper into the supplied links of this article, and crunches some of the numbers, it's interesting to note the total amount of funding coming from this federal government's program amounts to $69,516,766.78 in support 1,103 projects.

However, Ontario, the province with the largest population, is only receiving $833,596.26 or 1.2% while $68,423,170.52 is being allocated to the four provinces west of Ontario!

Could this be an example of how having a Conservative provincial government affects the funding we get from a Liberal federal government?

Lynn Lehman