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LETTER: Orillia's transit system is 'lousy', unreliable

'People are too frustrated to bother waiting on our buses,' says frustrated letter writer and former transit user
orillia transit buses downtown
Dave Dawson/OrilliaMatters file photo

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to an article regarding potential changes to Orillia Transit, published Feb. 14.

I used to use our transit, but due to the lousy system, I don’t bother.

The only time I will use the system is if I have to take only one bus and I am desperate. If I have to transfer, it’s not going to happen. Orillia Transit stresses me out.

I live five minutes from my job. To take the transit, it takes me, on a good day, at least 35 to 40 minutes, and that is if I get my connection. Oh, and the best part: if the bus actually shows up at my stop.

My daughter works downtown. She starts at 9 a.m. on a Saturday. Guess what? Buses don’t run yet. Oh, and if you work downtown on a Sunday and again start at 9 a.m., no buses. She’s done at 5 p.m. Oh, guess what? No buses running to get her home.

Ridership would be so much more if they figured this system out. People are too frustrated to bother waiting on our buses.

For certain places to shop, I have to go all the way downtown to get a transfer and then get on the second bus, which would normally bring me back home. I really don’t get why they don’t have buses running on the main streets on both sides.

I will not be using Orillia Transit very often. And now that they want to take monies away. What a joke. I thought Orillia was given money from the province to sink into transit. Where exactly is that going?

Anyway, that’s my rant.

Laurie McComish