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LETTER: People should always take priority over cars

'Oro-Medonte council and planners should recognize that traffic on Line 15 North will increase dramatically as West Ridge develops and merges with Line 15,' letter writer says
2020-06-10 slow down signs

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).
The installation of a traffic chicane (a serpentine curve on a road) on Line 15 North beside Bass Lake by Oro-Medonte Township is a clear indication that cars get priority over people.

A township official told me that many different initiatives have been undertaken to improve safety on this roadway. The fears that an absent-minded bather or excited child might be struck by through-traffic are well founded.

In earlier years the township fastened speed bumps in an attempt to slow the passage of vehicles. Occasionally radar speed warning signs have been erected on the roadside. The traffic problem only increased.

Most recently, the township focused on reducing the number pedestrians and swimmers in the area by instituting permit and payment parking along the roadside. The minimum fee of $20 for non-township residents certainly discouraged many people from enjoying one of the areas best lakes. That’s more than you pay to park in downtown Toronto!

In the next few years the situation will only get worse. Oro-Medonte council and planners should recognize that traffic on Line 15 North will increase dramatically as West Ridge develops and merges with Line 15.

A chicane or a one-way doesn’t address the issue. The tough decision is who takes priority: Cars or people?

As a former property owner in this area, I appreciate how disruptive the traffic is to this cohesive community set alongside one of the few public waterfronts with beach and swimming access for everyone to enjoy. The pleasurable chaos of the bathers may be somewhat disruptive but it is nothing compared to the constantly increasing stream of automobiles.

In my opinion, people should take priority over cars.

Close Line 15 North at the top of the hill by Bass Lake Sideroad. Eliminating through-traffic in the village would foster the growth of that community. 

The full recreational potential of this beautiful piece of waterfront could be fully realized for both residents and visitors alike. It would also reduce the need to re-align the stoplight intersection of Line 15 North and Highway 12 which is currently under consideration.

Closing Line 15 North to through traffic would force motorists who wish to by-pass Orillia to travel along Line 15 N to Bass Lake Sideroad East and turn at Atlantis Drive (or reverse). While it will increase the distance to travel and does pass through a school zone, it presents a long-term solution with little cost to the township and vast improvements in safety, community building and recreation.

Tom Morrisey
Severn Township
