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LETTER: People who are homeless have 'a face, a name, a story'

While there is no easy answer to help those who are unhomed, it's important to focus on the humanity, says letter writer
City workers tore down the encampment at 66 Peter St. S. on Oct. 3, with OPP and Lighthouse outreach workers on site.

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She had a name.

Recently I encountered a homeless person or an unhomed person. She had her whole world in a shopping cart. 

I have a dog who loves to walk, and he attracts attention and, occasionally, conversation. Thanks Mac. 

As I listened to her story, I realized everyone has a dream. She shared hers. A home, a family, a dog, and a horse, a job. It's a normal dream. 

We didn't talk about how one ends up pushing their life around in a cart, looking for the next place to camp. I listened with interest and wondered how this person could begin that journey to her dream. 

The answer is help. The question is, what kind of help? One can give too little help, too much help, help at the wrong time. 

Recently a homeless camp on Peter Street was disassembled and, frankly, I agree with that decision. When offered help, in terms of a warm bed in Simcoe County, all 20 turned down the offer. 

And therein lies the conundrum: how to help people who want help on their own terms? I don't know the answer to that.

What I do know is homelessness has a face, and a name, and a story and a dream. 

Duncan McDonald