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LETTER: Retiring city councillor implores citizens to run

'If you are dissatisfied, if you feel that council needs new blood, put your name forward,' urges Pat Hehn who is especially imploring local women to run for council
2018-09-29 Pat Hehn Ward 4 profile
Pat Hehn is not seeking re-election in Orillia's Ward 4. Nathan Taylor/OrilliaMatters File Photo

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor ([email protected]) This letter is from retiring, two-term Ward 4 Coun. Pat Hehn on the lack of female candidates in the upcoming municipal election.
We are more than half-way through the nomination period for candidates to file their papers to run for City Council. I am dismayed by the lack of interest there appears to be in this election. 

I have read on social media "We need new people"; "Can hardly wait for the next election"; "They are all old." Well the time is now!

If you are dissatisfied, if you feel that council needs new blood, put your name forward. Give us your ideas for the future. 

I am especially dismayed that not a single woman, thus far, is running for council. I believe it is imperative to have a woman's (or women's) perspective at the council table.

There were definite times when I know I helped influence a decision. I urge women to consider help shape the future of our community. I would be pleased to meet with any woman interested in running. I can be reached at [email protected] or at 705-323-3497. 

Pat Hehn
