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LETTER: Short-term rentals shouldn't be provincial issue

'There are communities who have Airbnb and vacation rentals without problem,' reader says
2021-05-05 Oro short term rental sign 2
The Oro-Medonte Good Neighbours Alliance created lawn signs draw attention to disruptive short-term rentals.

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). This letter is in response to a letter regarding short-term rentals, published July 21.
While I understand and sympathize with letter writer Ray Kopylciw regarding short-term rentals, I believe making it a provincial matter is shortsighted.

There are communities who have Airbnb and vacation rentals without problem. These facilities allow tourists to holiday in a community which might not have hotels/motels. In those communities, tourism provides the income, which allows businesses to operate beyond the holiday season.

If needed, local municipalities should be given the tools needed to pass necessary laws which would allow them to shut down rentals that pose a nuisance or don’t adhere to whatever bylaw the municipality may enact.

I have found that far too often wide-sweeping laws are enacted in response to an isolated case.

Anna Branch
Armour Township
