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LETTER: Time to fill 'yawning gap' occupied by disinformation

'Some of this disinformation comes from conspiracy influencers — people who make money by peddling unfounded conspiracies of others,' says letter writer
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to 'COLUMN: It's time to add reasoning as the fourth r,' published Oct. 15.

Thank you, Peter Bursztyn, for this well-written and well-reasoned piece on the need to add ‘reasoning’ to the school curriculum.

Another name for it might be "critical thinking." But whatever the subject title, there is a need for it to fill a yawning gap currently getting occupied by disinformation.

Some of this disinformation comes from conspiracy influencers — people who make money by peddling unfounded conspiracies of others.

People, particularly younger people who live in a social media world, need to be taught how to distinguish between fact and fiction, and to avoid getting sucked into the thinking of those with an interest in spreading unproven and often contradictory claims.

School is a good place to start.

Mike McClelland