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LETTER: Who will pay for chamber's 'noble' ideas?

'It always leads back to money, so where is the money coming from as the City of Orillia can not afford it. Or can they?' asks reader
2022-04-25 Construction Stock image1

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to an article, titled 'Chamber has ideas to tackle Ontario's 'critical' housing crisis', published July 5.

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce today released, 'Home Stretched: Tackling Ontario's Housing Affordability Crisis Through Innovative Solutions and Partnerships.' Here is another example of a "noble" title where money is being spent (no comment about that in this article) and nothing is getting accomplished.

I would like to see a follow-up from anyone on the costs spent to date for this project and what the costs in the future are "estimated' at.

In this article it makes the creators of this initiative appear as they are standing with their 'hat in hand" looking for money. If this is the case, how much do you want, where is it being spent and how is it being spent?

It always leads back to money, so where is the money coming from as the City of Orillia can not afford it. Or can they?

Steve Boss