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Aerial enforcement of snowmobilers leads to 31 tickets

SAVE Team members supported by OPP aircraft to conduct enforcement in Georgian Bay area
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MIDLAND - Members of the OPP's Southern Georgian Bay Detachment and Central Region Snow machine, All Terrain Vehicle, and Vessels Enforcement (S.A.V.E.) team conducted an aerial enforcement initiative with a focus on Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC)  trails and areas near the waters of Georgian Bay.

This initiative involved detachment and S.A.V.E. team members on motorized snow vehicle (MSV) patrols supported by OPP aircraft to conduct enforcement in relation to high risk behaviour on MSVs on local OFSC trails as well as ice crossing areas. 

The initiative took place on Sunday, March 3, 2019 and yielded 31 Provincial Offence Notices for a variety of charges. 

There are nine OFSC trails that cross through the area and connect with OFSC trunk trails. There are also a significant number or anglers that regularly participate in ice fishing on the waters of Georgian Bay.

In the 2017-2018 season there were 14 MSV related fatalities in OPP patrolled areas. Currently this season there have already been six MSV fatalities with a significant number of those being associated to unsafe ice/drowning.

In Southern Georgian Bay patrolled areas there were a total of two fatal collisions, three personal injury and three property damage collisions for the 2017-2018 season.   

Members of the Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police are committed to public safety, delivering proactive and innovative policing in partnership with our communities. Officers value your contribution to building safe communities. 




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