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Award-winning writer, musician to be featured at virtual book club

'We have to be perfect,' laments Dr. Jillian Horton, author of We Are All Perfectly Fine, who will be speaking at next week's free virtual book club
jillian horton hs
Jillian Horton, author of We Are All Perfectly Fine, will be discussing her new book at free virtual book club event Sept. 27.
Creative Aging Books and Ideas, with Jen Tindall of Art Your Service, and Cece Scott of Cece Scott Photo and Writing Services, is presenting award-winning medical educator, writer, musician, and podcaster, Jillian Horton, M.D. who will be discussing her new book, We Are All Perfectly Fine at a free virtual book club event Monday, Sept. 27 at 2 p.m.

“Failure to cope. It sounds like a hashtag, not a diagnosis. Yet it’s what we’re taught to write on the charts of people with cancer pain that hasn’t been adequately managed, or elderly men who are mixing up the twenty medications that eight different physicians have prescribed for them in the last 16 months.” (We Are All Perfectly Fine, Harper Collins Publishers Ltd. page 181).

It is these types of scenarios, ones that are wrapped in both professionalism and empathy and are familiar to us all, whether it be relative to our grandparents, our parents, children or friends, that doctors deal with on a daily basis as they practise their medicine.

What many of us don’t have insight into is the actual making of our doctors, the grit and determination, the crazy long and sleepless hours, the untold days, nights and weeks of studying until it’s eyes wide shut, and the ongoing ubiquitous anxiety, stress and worry about making fatal mistakes relative to a patient’s health care.

“We have to be perfect,” Dr. Jillian Horton says in We Are All Perfectly Fine.

An in-depth accounting of what it takes to both become and then be a doctor, Jillian’s book is an intertwined canvas of both personal and patient stories. Woven throughout those accountings Jillian’s attitude, toughness, resilience and self-deprecating humour, not to mention her empathic and human overall dedication to her craft, makes for a read that is both intriguing and captivating.

Oshawa Public Libraries is a Creative Aging Books & Ideas community partner. 

To register for this free event and get access to a free excerpt of We Are All Perfectly Fine, please go to

Read the full review of Jillian's book here.



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