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FEEDBACK: Readers weigh in on this week's top stories

Terry Fox Circle, county's new waste carts, toboggan hill, and vaccination for police all generated lots of comments this week
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At the bottom of all local stories on OrilliaMatters, readers now have the option of submitting feedback. Here's what readers had to say about what was making news over the last week:

Oct. 23

Bins back on agenda with option for council to vote on size swap

So, after months of not consulting with any homeowner as to what is required and wasting millions of dollars on carts that are far too excessive of what is needed for an average family, council is finally going to ask home owners what is actually needed for their waste removal requirements......what a concept! 

So glad the county continues to waste taxpayer dollars at its best. I can see many sets of carts going back to the manufacturer and being replaced with smaller, more suitable's hoping at least. But...stay tuned, because with all of this cart shuffle and staff being required to once again set them up, deliver them and configure the bar codes to your address our county component of the tax base for next year will be up higher than ever to cover their complete incompetency to deal with this initiative. 

Perhaps a course in Project Management 101 for the Solid Waste Manager and County Council and yes, including the Warden might help to finally make this group realize how they should be managing tax payers dollars correctly for a change. We need a full change of the county council and we need it now.  —  Bob McCutcheon

I am in favour of smaller bins but have been wondering what would be done with our old recycle bins. This article says old bins may be dropped for free at waste disposal sites. I can guarantee most residents will not bother putting them in the car and driving to a waste disposal site to rid themselves of the old bins. More than likely they will be deposited in the large garbage bins we now have or they will be deposited roadside somewhere. Why not have a special pick up of all the bins either on or a specifically noted date? Makes sense to me. —  Holly Levinter

Oct. 25

Council asked to deny Terry Fox Circle changes during budget talks

I am sick and tired of certain individuals going on and on about the Terry Fox Circle. The group cited worries about accessibility, a loss of parking spaces and a diminished view of the lake. What? A diminished view of the lake!

How about a diminished view of children running in front of a car that's less than five feet away from the new playground! As far as parking is concerned, under the revised design parking spaces are about the same and as far as I am concerned we don't need any more. Our beach is crowded enough.

I don't think the Council is worried about reelection because I am fairly certain that most of the 6000+ petition signatures were non-resident tourists who aren't eligible to vote. Finally, the city budgeted for the new park without raising taxes and if and when they do increase taxes it will be more likely because of COVID which wasn't budgeted. — I. Robertson

It’s a shame a vociferous minority are standing in the way of much needed progress into the modern era. It’s time Mel and his cohort got out of their cars and walked around for some fresh air and exercise. And it’s time the automobile's domination over this tiny little park and beach area was ended. Let’s give the park and the beach back to people who want to enjoy it and use it safely. Drive-thrus are for coffee and hamburgers - not waterfront parks.

The majority of Orillians are in favour of this essential improvement to the park. Let your councilors know. Let’s get rid of the Terry Fox Circle dinosaur. — Mark Elgar

Oct. 27

LETTER: Let police do their job 'with or without the jab'

Bill, you're ignoring the facts. Unvaccinated people are more likely to get and transmit the virus to others who are unvaccinated. They are more likely to transmit it to children who are not yet eligible for vaccines. They are more likely to make the elderly ill, as vaccines don't protect them as well, and to infect those with compromised immune systems.

There is no logical reason for anyone to refuse to be vaccinated. If police really believe the protect part of "To serve and protect," they will insist on getting the jab. — Glen Morehouse

A pandemic can only be overcome if everyone is vaccinated. This includes police, teachers, everyone. . It is not a matter of choice to be unvaccinated and to let the virus spread. Suppose it were polio or ebola? Unvaccinated people allow for the virus to become even more deadly. — Marilyn Brown

Well said Bill. I agree with you 100%. I do also feel that everyone should have the choice to decide whether to get the shot. Thank you for your input. — Kim Lumsden

Oct. 28

Golf club seeks funding to keep toboggan hill open to public

Not unlike the Orillia Square Mall debate; if the City of Orillia is using the Couchiching Golf Course for its own means, advertising for newcomers and visitors to use an alternative free winter activity, then they should contribute to the upkeep of both. ie transit, fencing, and insurance to both facilities. — Heather Fraser

The Couchiching Golf and Country Club is a gem in the rough ….no pun intended! I am a relative newcomer to Orillia but it did not take me long to find this place. I am not a golfer but have been to lunch and dinners at Bogeys and the food and service is phenomenal. I have always said it would be a great asset in the winter as well if the winter sports/ toboggan/cross country skiing /snow shoeing were available and set up hot chocolate etc and food in the club house! My husband and friends would definitely go through the winter to dine there. Our Probus Club has used Bogeys for pre-Opera House shows. It definitely needs to advertise more as it truly would be a shame to not have this venue in the winter as well as summer. A shout-out to Carla and the chef! Come on Orillia…let’s support this! — Cathy Meunier

Oct. 28

Local man who picks up garbage every day is 'Orillia's best citizen'

Congratulations Brian. You do this on your own initiative and I want you to know how much I, as a resident of Orillia, appreciate what you do and your kindness. — Cathy Meunier

Orillia man using his final days to sing praises of hospice care

I visited a dear friend at Mariposa Hospice and saw what an appropriate place this is for one to spend their final days in because of its positive environment. My friend was comfortable and at peace there. Hospices are an excellent place to spend your final days. — Eleanor Douglas


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