Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands, wants to hear from you.
Real change starts with real conversation.
What matters to you?
How would you improve our democracy? What can we all do together to secure our shared future?
Come share your priorities, concerns, and vision for Canada’s future at a Community Matters Town Hall on July 17 at Lakehead University, 500 University Ave., in Orillia, Ontario. Elizabeth will be there from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Elizabeth will be joined by Simcoe North Green Party candidate Erik Schomann and Simcoe County nominated candidates Marty Lancaster (Barrie-Springwater-Oro-Medonte), Bonnie North (Barrie-Innisfil) and Sherri Jackson (Simcoe-Grey).
Details to follow. There will be other whistle stops in the Orillia/Collingwood/Simcoe County areas.
Elizabeth will be at Mavricks Music Hall in Barrie on July 18, 7-9 p.m..