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Local deputy youth chief condemns Ford's cabinet decision

Premier collapsed former ministry into another portfolio; 'We will not let this government run roughshod over our inherent and treaty rights'
Doug Ford
Ontario premier Doug Ford. Chris Young/The Canadian Press


Deputy Youth Chief Lance Copegog, portfolio holder on Intergovernmental and Political Affairs, has issued the following statement on behalf of the Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council regarding the new provincial cabinet:

“I condemn Premier Ford’s decision to collapse the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MIRR) into a joint ministry with Energy, Northern Development and Mines.

The PC government is sending a message to Indigenous peoples that we are only of importance when it comes to accessing resources in our lands.

First Nations leaders will combat any unlawful access of our territory. We will not let this government run roughshod over our inherent and treaty rights.”

The Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council represents the youth of the First Nation, advocates on their behalf, and creates a vision for the future.



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