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'Outstanding': Charlee's Run raises $150K for OSMH neonatal unit

Annual fundraiser draws more than 1,000 participants; 'Today means the world to us,' says organizer

As the saying goes, it takes a village, and a village they had Saturday at Tudhope Park for the annual Charlee’s Run in support of the Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH) neonatal intensive care unit and those who have been affected by prenatal or infant loss.

“Today is to show support, and today I am running in support of one of my dear friends who has been affected by this cause,” said Candice Kelly, a participant at Charlee’s Run.

More than 1,000 people showed up for the fundraiser.

After Dave and Mallory Holmes lost their child, Charlee Clare Holmes, they started the run to raise awareness of the cause and to help other families going through similar situations.

According to the OSMH website, one in four pregnancies ends in loss.

“This event not only raises funds for the OSMH, but it brings the public and affected families together to support one another, talk about the situation, and gives a new outlook on a hopeful and forever changing situation that we see on a daily basis,” stated Carmine Stumpo, OSMH president and CEO.

Saturday’s run raised more than $150,000 for OSMH, bringing the total amount raised over the years to more than $500,000.

“Today means the world to us,” said Dave Holmes.

“It’s great to see everyone wearing T-shirts with names of infants who’ve been lost, and the memory everyone is creating is just outstanding,” added Mallory Holmes.

There was also a donation of $20,000 from the local Ripple of Kindness organization in Orillia.

In addition to the run, there was a silent auction, a family zone where kids could play miniature basketball, a face-painting area, and games. Refreshments were provided by Tim Hortons and food was donated by the Brechin Foodland. Miller Health was also on hand to provide athletic massages to runners who needed them.


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