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Strength of CDC helps Peak Performance flex its muscles

From start to growth to expansion, CDC has helped local business flourish; 'They are phenomenal,' says owner Brandon Peacock

The following 'success story' was submitted to OrilliaMatters by the Orillia Area Community Development Corporation:

Starting a business in an already crowded industry can be daunting for some. For Brandon Peacock, it was an exciting opportunity to carve out his niche and break away from the crowd.

Unlike most gyms, Peak Performance is a studio focused on functional fitness, quality movement, and elite personal training.

Being a former employee of Anytime Fitness and Barrie Athletic Club, Peacock saw the need for business professionals to have access to an elite gym where they could receive high quality training.

Peacock says he wanted to create something exclusive for his clients.

In order to start his new concept, Peacock knew he required financial support and a solid plan.

Susan Stacey, Loans Officer at the Orillia Area CDC, worked with Peacock to develop a financial plan, secure a loan, and develop projections.

“She asked me questions that I never even thought about. Her advice was extremely helpful and made me think about things from a different perspective,” he said.

When Peak Performance got off the ground, Peacock began to work exclusively with business professionals, improving their overall fitness through core prep, mobile strength training, rehabilitation, and body mechanics.

He worked with each client to develop a personalized plan for their body in order to help them achieve their fitness goals. His brand was built on providing a high quality service to his members.

After two years in business, many of Peacock's clients had asked him about training their children in sports, so he reached out to Taylor Bazinet, a certified athletic trainer and performance coach, to bring an athletic component to the gym.

The Orillia Area CDC stepped in again and provided Bazinet with funding to buy into Peacock's business as a partner, and expand the gym’s overall offering.

“Over the years, the CDC has introduced us to so many influential connections in our community helping us to grow our customer base. They are phenomenal.”

In just a few short years, Peacock and his partner Bazinet have experienced rapid growth and success. They have already expanded their business once, adding 1,200 square feet to the building in 2017, and are looking at an additional expansion later this year.

Through his journey, Peacock learned the importance of creating a well thought-out plan.

“Doing a lot of research to understand the market, working hard every day and not being afraid to ask for help from the Orillia Area CDC were all vital to making this gym a reality," said Peacock.

To get in touch with Peak Performance, call 705-826-1169 or visit their website.  

For more information on the Orillia Area Community Development Corp. (CDC), please contact [email protected] or visit


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