The Orillia Channel Cats Swim Club hosted Muskats Splash Meet #3 at the YMCA. One hundred and eighteen swimmers from Orillia, Muskoka and Collingwood were in attendance.
“This was the last of three development level meets that we offer to our newer swimmers each season,” said Coach Tatum Haslem.
“We are happy with our swimmers. For some it was their very first competition and they raced quite well,” added Coach Ken Elphick.
Swimmers in attendance include:
Nathan McClinchey
Anna Baillie
Alexander Baillie
Carter Smith
Rachel Carr
Olivia Currie
Grace Reed
Kiana DeGrechie
Muskaan Raina
Ava Hunter
Ashley Hunter
Alycia Golding
Nathaniel Sneyd
Peter Sneyd
Hayden Nie
Jasmine Coleman
Anna Holton
Joseph Holton
Jackson Denne
Eve Cosco
Kait Madden
Emma Pilger
Sarah Pilger
Lilian Partridge
Tristan Sekleski
Ben Thomson
Andrew Dilawri
Austin Wade
Sophie DeWolfsmith
Elora DeWolfsmith
Ciara Martin
Thea Martin
Owen Wagner
Evan Wagner
Larissa Cooke
Evangeline Cooke
Adair Wieclawek