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Hard-working Mariposa Gymnastics athletes shine at Gymfinity

Several local Level 6 and Level 7 gymnasts brought home medals from qualifying competition in Midland
20191211 mariposa gymnastics
Mariposa Gymastics Club athletes shone at a recent event in Midland. In the front row, from left: Emma Hand and Lauren Leach. Middle, from left: Emily Hamilton and Marina Thomas. In the back row, from left: Savanna Benson, Brynn Thurlow and Mattea Wafelbakker. Contributed photo

Mariposa Gymnastics Club sent their team of Level 6 and Level 7 Provincial gymnasts to compete at Gymfinity’s Holiday Magic Qualifying competition in Midland.

The girls' hard work shone through as they collected an impressive medal count. These athletes practise 16.5 hours each week and work hard to perfect their skills in order to attain a spot at the Ontario Provincial Championships in April.

In the Level 6 age 13 category Savanna Benson placed first on vault, third on bars, fourth on beam, fifth on floor and third overall.

Lauren Leach placed fourth on vault, seventh on bars, second on beam, fourth on floor and fifth overall.

Emma Hand placed sixth on vault, second on bars, fifth on beam sixth on floor and sixth overall.

Brynn Thurlow placed seventh on vault, sixth on bars, seventh on beam, sixth on floor and seventh overall.

This competition was their first Level 6 qualifying competition and the girls proved they are meant to be there!

In Level 6 age 14-15 category Emily Hamilton competed as a Level 6 athlete for the first time ever. Emily placed third on vault, third on bars, sixth on beam, second on floor and sixth overall.

Lastly in the Level 7 age 16 and up category Marina Thomas and Mattea Wafelbakker made sure their names were known with some very impressive scores.

Thomas placed second on vault, first on bars, fourth on beam first on floor and first overall. Wafelbakker captured a third on vault, fifth on bars, fifth on beam second on floor and fourth overall. Both girls started their day strong on the floor with Thomas attaining a 9.775 and Wafelbakker reaching a 9.625 score out of 10.

Mariposa Gymnastics Club is looking forward to their next qualifying competition being held in Alliston in the New Year. Watch for results from our 7- and 8- year-old’s competing in the Ontario Developmental Program in January 2020.


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