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Coldwater man says $100,000 Encore win a 'wonderful blessing'

The 30-year-old father plans to pay some bills and put a down payment on a house for his family
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Matthew Huntley of Coldwater is all smiles after winning $100,000.

Saying yes to Encore paid off for Matthew Huntley of Coldwater. Matthew matched the last six of seven Encore numbers in exact order in the Feb. 10, 2021 Lotto 6/49 draw to win $100,000!
Matthew says he is a regular lottery player. "My favourite games are Lotto 6/49 and Lotto Max. I always play Encore," the 30-year-old father shared.
Matthew says the morning he discovered his big win, he was joking around about winning the lottery. "I checked my tickets using the OLG Lottery App and saw $100,000 on the screen," he said.
He told his sister about his big win right away. “She is 8 months pregnant and was so excited for me that it induced her labour! Both mom and daughter are happy and healthy!" he smiled.
Matthew plans to pay some bills and put a down payment on a house for his family. "I will also buy a new car," he said.
"This win is mind-blowing. It's a wonderful blessing after the challenging year we've had."
Encore offers 22 ways to win and can be played in conjunction with most lottery games for an extra $1. There is an Encore draw every day.
In accordance with government-issued lockdown measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, OLG is currently limiting the number of in-person prize claim appointments at the OLG Prize Centre in Toronto to only those that require a face-to-face interview.

Customers with prizes over $50,000 are asked to call 1-800-387-0098 to discuss available prize claim options. Prize claims up to $49,999.90 should continue to be submitted by mail. The health and safety of our customers and employees remains our top priority and OLG looks forward to providing future updates on the availability of in-person prize claims.
The winning ticket was purchased at Circle K on Bayfield Street in Barrie.



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