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In Memoriam: James "Jim" Lamb


September 7th 1949-May 12th 2020

Well "My Dad"....

It has been a very long 2 years without you.

If only we could tell you how much we miss you in everything that we do. In things we do, in things we say, when we take a moment to pause...You are there.

It may be the breeze brushing against our faces, the sun shining down, the rain crashing down on to the ground, the smell of cigarettes..  Time feels like it has stopped...

It hasn't at all, life is moving full steam ahead, Our Careers keep us busy, sports with the kids keep us young,Your Grandkids are growing taller, learning more, experiencing new things, becoming more aware that you are not here.

We are keeping you right here with us by talking about you, using your Famous Quotes, your Music, and your unique Corks! 

Nothing is the same, The grief, the sadness of losing you never goes away and yet everyday we get through another day.

Where ever you may be...Stand tall and Proud, Always have a "cold one" and  'Giver" and we will do the same.. 

 We still love you just the same..


Ali, Jerry, Porter, Myah and Jaxon..

Memories and Condolences