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Opening of new golf course drew quite a crowd in 1915 (4 photos)

Couchiching Golf and Country Club has deep roots in Orillia and a special place in the hearts of generations of local golfers

Postcard Memories is a weekly series of historic postcard views and photos submitted by Marcel Rousseau.

Some were previously published by the Orillia Museum of Art and History and in the book Postcard Memories Orillia.

In 1914, a committee for a new golf course composed of J.B. Tudhope, H.J. Bartlett, F. Lewis, G. Rapley, Dr. Gilchrist and Dr. A.P. Ardagh arranged for the purchase of 47 acres from the Lawrence Hayden estate.

This property, just north of North Street, was to replace the old golf course located near the McKinnell property west of Frederick Street and north of Barrie Road.

On June 3, 1915, all the citizens of Orillia were invited to be present for the opening of the Couchiching Country Club. The nine-hole golf course was laid out by Mr. George Cummings, the professional of the Toronto Golf Club and over $15,000 had been spent on the club house, links, bowling greens and tennis courts.

The money was raised by selling $100 shares to local businessmen and sports enthusiasts.

A few days before the opening, The Orillia Packet reported: 
“The golf course is still a little rough, though seven holes are playable. The bowling greens are in excellent shape, but it will be a couple of weeks yet before the tennis courts are ready. Motor cars will be at the Dominion Bank corner practically all afternoon on Thursday to convey those who wish to attend the opening. As an Orillian you are invited to come and make the occasion a success.”


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