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Beyond Local

BEYOND LOCAL: How much do our names really matter?

BEYOND LOCAL: How much do our names really matter?

According to this study, quite a bit
ONTARIO: Pot producer donates $100k to plant more trees across the province

ONTARIO: Pot producer donates $100k to plant more trees across the province

Canopy Growth is putting forth the funding after Forests Ontario lost funding in this year's provincial budget
CANADA: Data tracking in upcoming election is a surveillance issue, experts say

CANADA: Data tracking in upcoming election is a surveillance issue, experts say

Using data during election campaigns is nothing new. But as the Canadian federal election approaches, authorities must be diligent that data tracking doesn’t become surveillance
CANADA: Are there realistic benefits to expanding pharmacy services?

CANADA: Are there realistic benefits to expanding pharmacy services?

Legislation that expands the types of services offered by pharmacies may also benefit their profits
BEYOND LOCAL: The complex relationship between youth and technology in the modern age

BEYOND LOCAL: The complex relationship between youth and technology in the modern age

Young people in a study discussed feeling left to their own devices to face the future
BEYOND LOCAL: Will fast-fashion retailers really change their ways in a climate crisis?

BEYOND LOCAL: Will fast-fashion retailers really change their ways in a climate crisis?

Solutions to sustainability must include cultural change, not just simply switching out textiles or packaging
CANADA: Guns as a symbol of masculinity has a long history and is difficult to challenge

CANADA: Guns as a symbol of masculinity has a long history and is difficult to challenge

The relationship between guns and masculinity was once sanctioned by governments and businesses, making it entrenched and difficult to challenge
ONTARIO: University of Waterloo student gets tuition help from Taylor Swift

ONTARIO: University of Waterloo student gets tuition help from Taylor Swift

Pop star Taylor Swift deposited over $6,000 into Ayesha Khurram's bank account to help with tuition costs
BEYOND LOCAL: Researchers link impulsive behaviour in kids to sleep, screen time

BEYOND LOCAL: Researchers link impulsive behaviour in kids to sleep, screen time

"Impulsive behaviour is associated with numerous mental health and addiction problems, including eating disorders, behavioural addictions and substance abuse," says the study's lead author
BEYOND LOCAL: Pigs growing human pancreases, coming to a farm near you soon?

BEYOND LOCAL: Pigs growing human pancreases, coming to a farm near you soon?

Human-animal hybrids are coming and could be used to grow organs for transplant – a philosopher weighs in