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Michelle De Sousa

Michelle De Sousa

HCP & Corsana Supervisor

In my role as HCP/Corsana Supervisor I am responsible for overseeing overall functions of the HCP/Corsana Team; providing direction, mentoring, coaching and managing product initiatives within the team.

What are your hobbies and/or interests?
-Cooking and entertaining.
-Vacationing to different Caribbean islands.
-Collecting shoes! ☺

What do you think is the most important HMA Core Value?
I think all of them are equally important. I think the key to a strong professional or personal relationship is to always show respect, caring integrity and loyalty in every situation.

What accomplishment (personal or professional) are you most proud of?
Personally, I am most proud of my relationships with my family and friends. This is the most important aspect of my life and I spend lots of time nurturing these relationships. Life is full of bumps in the road but if you have a great support system of friends and family it makes for a much smoother and of course fun ride!

Professionally I am most proud of all of the knowledge and skills I have built over the years in my various roles within the insurance industry.

HMA The Benefits People - John Atkinson (Advisor)

About HMA The Benefits People - John Atkinson (Advisor)

Real benefits for real people.