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LETTER: Resident says sidewalks are unsafe in West Ridge

Letter writer says longer cross-walk signals are needed as they do not give people 'enough time to get across the street safely'
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is in response to an article published to OrilliaMatters on March 1: 'City to look into safety measures for cars, people in west Orillia'

I was in the West Ridge area (recently) and found it very difficult to get around the entire area because the sidewalks weren't plowed and there was a disgusting pile of garbage right by the road in front of the Royal Bank location.

I use a cane to get around and almost fell a couple of times

The other major problem that I find across the city is the shortness of the cross signals when crossing the intersection — 13 seconds is not enough time to get across the street safely. Most drivers still disobey the law and turn the corner in front of you or almost clip people's backsides.

Martin Reeves