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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Inflatable water park at Moose Beach 'monetizes' fun

LETTER: Inflatable water park at Moose Beach 'monetizes' fun

'Privatizing our public spaces does not improve our experiences,' says letter writer
LETTER: Alternative to gas furnace can help reduce emissions

LETTER: Alternative to gas furnace can help reduce emissions

Air-source heat pump can help 'avoid burning fossil fuels and the emissions that come from this,' says letter writer
LETTER: Ford has priorities wrong, says local homeless person

LETTER: Ford has priorities wrong, says local homeless person

Letter writer can 'no longer afford rent because (Ford) did away with rent controls on buildings built after November, 2018'
LETTER: Like swimming in Lake Simcoe? Then we need to use less road salt

LETTER: Like swimming in Lake Simcoe? Then we need to use less road salt

Salt in freshwater can create multiple issues, says Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition executive director
LETTER: Painful to know homophobia still exists in Canada

LETTER: Painful to know homophobia still exists in Canada

'It was our hope then, that the way was paved for people like Aiden and all those that stood up to the homophobia, would never have to do that,' says letter writer
LETTER: OSS student says it's 'homophobia. Plain and simple'

LETTER: OSS student says it's 'homophobia. Plain and simple'

'Pride Month should be a time where we are reminded of the great change and achievements that have been made,' says frustrated OSS student
LETTER: Ending wastewater surveillance is a crappy idea

LETTER: Ending wastewater surveillance is a crappy idea

Letter writer asks why cancel an 'effective tool' that public health experts recommend continuing
LETTER: Cost associated with new skatepark 'will be worth it'

LETTER: Cost associated with new skatepark 'will be worth it'

'Skateparks are places that encourage civic responsibility,' says letter writer
LETTER: Graduations an inspiring celebration of success

LETTER: Graduations an inspiring celebration of success

'I had forgotten how inspiring graduation ceremonies can be,' says proud grandfather
LETTER: Imagine being homeless amid storm that rocked city

LETTER: Imagine being homeless amid storm that rocked city

'Removing people from one area forced people who were homeless to move onto Peter Street where they were out in the open, exposed to scrutiny,' a reader writes