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COLUMN: Even cheapest souvenirs can be priceless for some

COLUMN: Even cheapest souvenirs can be priceless for some

Columnist believes souvenirs are 'a way to preserve memories, express identity, connect with others and promote cultural heritage'
COLUMN: Self-checkout anxiety meltdown has no cure

COLUMN: Self-checkout anxiety meltdown has no cure

A shopping experience used to be something I looked forward to, says columnist, noting 'now, it's something I need to recover from'
COLUMN: Suzanne Somers was a trailblazer, not a 'dumb blonde'

COLUMN: Suzanne Somers was a trailblazer, not a 'dumb blonde'

Well known for her role on Three's Company, Somers fought for pay equity and was also adept in the business world, says columnist
COLUMN: Phone-free concerts: A pain in the pouch?

COLUMN: Phone-free concerts: A pain in the pouch?

Would you gladly put your phone in a pouch? That was the policy in place if you wanted to see a certain comedian at Casino Rama recently
COLUMN: 'Unseemly' conventions feel almost criminal

COLUMN: 'Unseemly' conventions feel almost criminal

Despite being a self-admitted 'true-crime addict,' columnist wonders about the growing fascination with the genre
COLUMN: Buffett represented a way of life that will be missed

COLUMN: Buffett represented a way of life that will be missed

With margarita mix flying off the shelves in recent days, columnist praises the music and lifestyle of the late Jimmy Buffett
COLUMN: It's back to schedules and back to the mundane

COLUMN: It's back to schedules and back to the mundane

Tuesday marks return to school and back to work for many people, prompting columnist to praise the rewards that come with the humble routine
COLUMN: Summer of assumptions leaves bad taste

COLUMN: Summer of assumptions leaves bad taste

Columnist learns to stop assuming things are the same as they used to be as she reflects on summer vacation
COLUMN: Ghosting can be cruel pill to swallow

COLUMN: Ghosting can be cruel pill to swallow

Columnist recently had a friend stop communicating with her, so in this week's column, she wonders how to handle the silent treatment
COLUMN: Facebook unfriended us, but the news doesn't stop

COLUMN: Facebook unfriended us, but the news doesn't stop

In this week's column, Wendy tries to figure out what Bill C-18 means for news in Canada ... and here in Orillia