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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Argument against electoral change is 'nonsense'

LETTER: Argument against electoral change is 'nonsense'

New approach would ensure we would never again see a party supported by 40% of the voters claiming 100% of the power to make, or unmake, our laws
LETTER: Moving to proportional representation would 'undermine' our legitimacy

LETTER: Moving to proportional representation would 'undermine' our legitimacy

Canadians have already definitively rejected proportional representation, letter writer says while defending first-past-the-post system
LETTER: It's time to abolish first-past-the-post voting system

LETTER: It's time to abolish first-past-the-post voting system

All votes are equal - but some votes are more equal than others, says local Green Party official who analyzed most recent election's results
Online reporting tool bolsters OPP efforts: Orillia's top cop

Online reporting tool bolsters OPP efforts: Orillia's top cop

OPP Detachment Commander Veronica Eaton says online reporting 'frees up resources' and helps police focus on proactive initiatives
LETTER: Council's decision to purchase signs not very bright

LETTER: Council's decision to purchase signs not very bright

City should focus on more important issues, letter writer says
LETTER: Conservatives ignoring the warnings of science, children

LETTER: Conservatives ignoring the warnings of science, children

The climate damages will be irreversible and devastating for the future generations, says concerned letter writer
LETTER: City needs to re-think its focus on growth, citizen says

LETTER: City needs to re-think its focus on growth, citizen says

Local government should concentrate on upgrading, modernizing and improving the existing municipality, letter writer urges
LETTER: Local citizens invited to help pick provincial leader

LETTER: Local citizens invited to help pick provincial leader

It's 'an exciting time' to be an Ontario Liberal, says official, who urges local residents to become members and have a say in leadership contest
LETTER: CN strike underlines the importance of pipelines

LETTER: CN strike underlines the importance of pipelines

Pipelines should be the chosen method of transporting natural gas and oil to refineries rather than railways or trucks, says letter writer
LETTER: Brechin resident trashes county's waste collection

LETTER: Brechin resident trashes county's waste collection

Offering a phone app is 'simply an ineffective artificial attempt to avoid providing homeowners with very basic necessary information,' says letter writer