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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Snowmobile business owner didn't do homework

LETTER: Snowmobile business owner didn't do homework

'The entitlement is appalling — the business owners clearly haven’t even looked into the cost of liability insurance, much less appropriate permitting.' says reader
LETTER: Municipalities should pressure province on rent hikes

LETTER: Municipalities should pressure province on rent hikes

Action needs to be taken to address act that allows landlords to jack up rent after tenant moves out, says letter writer
LETTER: PCs, supporters need to stand up for environment

LETTER: PCs, supporters need to stand up for environment

Progressive Conservative party has 'deviated from its roots' as environmental champion, says letter writer
LETTER: Orillia can and should tackle homelessness now

LETTER: Orillia can and should tackle homelessness now

'Helping warmly as people once did' would be a good start, says letter writer
LETTER: Premier is pimping out Mother Nature

LETTER: Premier is pimping out Mother Nature

'A smart pimp knows that one does not disappoint the customers for fear of some kind of retribution,' says letter writer
LETTER: Desperation underlines affordable housing crisis

LETTER: Desperation underlines affordable housing crisis

'There is no possible way to talk about the housing crisis without also talking about human trafficking and sex work. None. They go hand in hand,' says letter writer
LETTER: Province needs to act on housing crisis

LETTER: Province needs to act on housing crisis

Controversial legislation 'only promises more urban sprawl,' laments frustrated letter writer
LETTER: Imagine Dickens's ghosts visiting Premier Ford

LETTER: Imagine Dickens's ghosts visiting Premier Ford

'What bleak future would shake this premier enough to turn the nightmare into a miracle?' wonders local Green party official, harkening parallels to Dickens
LETTER: Province not listening to experts about Bill 23

LETTER: Province not listening to experts about Bill 23

'Damage to the Greenbelt is on you, MPP Dunlop, and you, Premier Ford,' says letter writer
LETTER: MPP urged to 'listen to the voices of the people'

LETTER: MPP urged to 'listen to the voices of the people'

Former Green candidate says MPP's response has echoes to 1800s when 'voices of protest (were silenced) in the interest of greed, power and control'